Mindful eating with self-acceptance

Self-acceptance over guilt! Nutritionist Anika Bors shows you how to stop worrying about gaining weight and finally enjoy your life again. Did you know about the role of guilt in a diet?

Guest post by Anika Bors

Did you know that guilt may be the reason we have trouble making good choices about our diet? We often get so caught up in worrying about weight gain that it stops us from thinking clearly. However, we could also approach the issue in a relaxed way. Enjoying things in a mindful way is no problem at all, it’s all about finding the right balance. As long as you eat healthy in general, you can enjoy the occasional treat without worrying about the consequences.

Mindful eating, however, is about more than simply indulging yourself. If you want to enjoy something, it’s important to do it consciously. Savour the candy, cake or whatever your heart desires. Just keep reminding yourself that it’s okay to enjoy the occasional treat. Phrases like “Yes, I’m eating something unhealthy, but it just feels good” or “I’m making a conscious decision to do this right now” can help. You’re allowed to feel good about it, so fully experience your moment of pleasure and celebrate every bite.

No more guilt In the worst case, your feelings of guilt can even affect your digestion. As a result of worrying too much, you might feel bloated or keep eating even though you are already full. Breaking this vicious cycle can be difficult. That’s why it’s so important that you put guilt aside and use mindful indulgence to stop putting extra stress on your digestive system.

Find the right balance If you eat healthy in general, your digestion will thank you even on the days of indulgence. My tip: On days where you know you will be eating “bad” food, try to have some healthy meals as well. How about a green smoothie to start the day? It’s packed with micronutrients, antioxidants, enzymes, vitamins, minerals and fibre. And it will provide you with healthy energy for the whole day.

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We are more than what we eat!

Practising self-love is not easy, especially when it comes to our eating culture. Feeling guilty about what we eat seems deeply ingrained in us, and these feelings are exacerbated by unrealistic diet plans and distorted realities on social media. However, I have some good news as well: we are more than what we eat!

Feeling bloated or constantly thinking you’ve gained a few grams does not define who you really are. Being aware of who you are as a person can quickly bring your distorted perspective back into balance. Especially when you’re having a meal with friends, family or colleagues, you can try to focus more on the interaction with them and let go of thoughts about food. All these people are sitting at the table with you because they appreciate you as a person, not because you’re leaving half the slice of cake on your plate.

Work consciously on practising self-care If you’re being very critical of yourself at times, your next step should be to learn how to practice self-care. It is an important skill each of us needs, especially when we want to forgive ourselves. No matter what ends up on your plate this week: Don’t judge yourself for it! You are only a human being and enjoying things is simply part of life. If you adopt this attitude, you will automatically feel more balanced.

About the author: Anika Bors is a nutrition coach and host of the Avocado Radio podcast. She loves green smoothies, freedom, people and travelling. As a nutrition coach, she helps others bring more energy and enjoyment into their lives. Her mission is to spread love and positivity in this world to put a smile on people’s faces.

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